With the Newcastle University eVoting app, users have the ability to easily access, participate in and view the results of existing university elections via an Android device.
For each election, users have the ability to answer a variety of questions. This app supports four types of questions: 1) single-choice selection; 2) multiple-choice selection; 3) free numeric input; and 4) free text input. For the first two types, users can verify the integrity of the tally without compromising privacy. This is based on the implementation of a Direct Recording Electronic with Integrity (DRE-i) cryptographic protocol. For every vote cast, a receipt is returned which can then be checked against the eVoting Bulletin Board at http://evoting.ncl.ac.uk/receipt
The results to a finished election can then be viewed as bar charts or text depending on the format of each question.
The app works on any Android mobile device, both smartphones and tablets, and is designed to work in conjunction with the Newcastle University eVoting system.
The app was initially written by Carlton Shepherd during a summer project (June - August, 2012) at the Centre for Cybercrime and Computer Security (CCCS), supported by the Newcastle University Innovation Funds. It is the client-side implementation a "verifiable classroom voting" system developed and piloted at the Newcastle University (Principal Investigator: Dr Feng Hao).
> Vote instantly in any university election given its Election ID and Passcode
> Cast your votes outside university, anywhere in the world
> Voting receipts can be accessed at any time for reference
> Usable on all Android devices using version 2.2 and above